I was trying to think of pun or something about Wednesday, which led me to my next thought...
What is a Wednes? Katnis' ugly older sister or something? I decided to dig deeper; and by deeper I mean type it into Google, press the first link, and take it as the word of God; going against one of my previous posts, debunking the wisdom that is Wikipedia; but what the heck?
"Wednesday (ˈwɛnzdeɪ/,/ˈwɛnzdi/, or archaically /ˈwɛdənzdeɪ/)... Alternatively, or, turnitively, ///3>N~5Dæ
Don't you just love the pronunciation language! Classic stuff, why didn't we learn that in school?
I digress...
...is the day of the week following Tuesday and before Thursday... Ok, following so far...
According to international standard ISO 8601 adopted in most western countries it is the third day of the week.
Dafuq, ISO 8601? give me a break. But the plot thickens, depending on your personal level of giving a shit.
The name is derived from Old English Wōdnesdæg and Middle English Wednesdei, "day of Woden", ultimately a calque of dies Mercurii "day of Mercury".
Very interesting, but anyways...
On the Day of Mercury (the last day of Mercury, I'm falling behind) we met up with our leader, a fine young mother... named after pretty flower, and we got briefed, have breakfast, meet out sister group from neighboring town Ramla...
I woke up late, 8:20, 10 minutes to get fresher than a mother......, and then make coffee, and get downstairs. C+, no coffee, major demerits. This is probably why my father disowned me. Only kidding.
At breakfast I drank so much instant coffee I was nearly levitating the rest of the day, maybe it's time for another cup right now?!
The prior sentence led me on a week and a half adventure, only now to I return to finish this post, in a hammock watching the sunrise over the beach. Disclaimer: the sun is rising on the other side of the building, so its not as glamorous. But I'm not a morning person, guess sunset view is better anyway. But a romantic sunrise might hit the spot...
Welly welly well, reading material for later...
New Years resolution is also to stop drinking so much coffee... so if my mountain climbing knot fails I will not be levitating / I will be promptly busting my ass. Fingers crossed. Google: Hot Mayan Hammock Knots...
After cleaning up all the broken ice, I had a few hours until my personal interview with the leader. After playing navigator for the Ramla group I journeyed to the beach.
Fork in the road, take left, clearly not the right answer! You thought I was going to put a picture of a fork I bet. (I know you don't have the humor of a Good Humor popsicle stick) Classic ironic company name?
Beach #1 or #Echad or #Achat - hebrew has masculine and feminine numbers, the plot thickens...
... was a religious beach featuring a wooden wall jutting out into the surf to separate the men and women.
Perfect, all the ladies to myself!
After some swimming and avoidance of "way to close for comfort" fisherman, and some beachside iron pumping - I cracked my head on a metal pipe on the monkey bars, best way to show your burly toughness; I then headed to the secular "look at my tushy" hanging out beach...
Low and behold, hard bodies playing makot - a popular tandem musical instrument, shaped like two paddles that fills the beach with a cacophony of bonk and bonking noises. Maybe I'll make it to Carnegie hall afterwards...
I met the guy at the surf shop Waves and we had a nice chat, to say the least, he was pretty stoked. He showed me a potential baby. Although I only adopt the most expensive of sports gear shaped children, I'd continue my search for fatherhood elsewhere.
That night we celebrated Jamie-Boy's birthday, drank, danced (just me), and shared stories. Ol' Jamie-Boy, to differentiate from Jamie-Girl, turned out to be chip off the old block. Freestyle rapping ensued.
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